Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Battle of the Beauties....Essie VS Loreal

Hi love bugs, hope you're all having a (mama) smashing day!  I'm finally starting to feel back to my old crazy self again.  Summer colds just kick your butt don't they?  Hopefully I'm free and clear til winter now (yuck there's that word again, winter)  *shiver*

So I don't have any nail art for you little bears today but I do have something a bit new....I've noticed a lot of polishes lately that are so similar (something we, in the beauty world refer to as dupes) and I want to share with you all which ones are worth the money and which one's should be left in the dust.  So "Battle of the Beauties" will be a reoccurring theme when I find 2 lovelies that require head to head (or brush to brush) battle!  I knew these 2 ladies would be my first victims....they are insanely similar yet so very far apart!!

In the east corner, wearing the peach trunks....ok ok, I won't do it, but I am so tempted to!

This is the Loreal Macaroon Me Madly. She's a newcomer to the blog but her competitor has been here you know who I'm talking about yet? My old friend Essie Van D'Go, anyone else with me on this?  I just featured her on the blog not too long ago.  Let's have a peeky poo at Vandy (as I like to call her) and see what the dilly is.

Come On!!! Could they not be twinsies? Color is pretty much spot on!  The Loreal polish is a teensy weensy bit lighter but it's ever so slight!

Here they are side by side, you be the judge!

Definitely could be sisters!  If you're wondering which one to purchase, allow me to help....

The formula on Essie Van D'Go is 100 times, 1000 times, a gagillion times better!  She is opaque in 2 coats, where little Miss Macaroon required 4.  Ain't nobody got time for 4 coats! Both colors are indeed stunning but the work I had to put into Macaroon me Madly to get this outcome was no joke!  She was a bit streaky and seriously bitchy. (if a polish can be bitchy, this one certainly was!!)

Vandy is definitely the winner of this battle royale!  She is so opaque, wears amazingly well, and isn't the least bit bitchy!  She doesn't feel the need to streak or get super high maintenance and require more than 2 coats....ever!  I know I'm usually partial to Essie but I stayed neutral for this one. The formula on Macaroon was just so mediocre (at best) that it wasn't even hard to choose.

There you have it kids, if you were lemming either of these 2 beauties, there is no question in my mind which one you should take home with you! Leave Ms. Macaroon at the least she'll be able to boss the other polishes around and release some of that built up diva behavior!

And by the way, let me just say that I am in no way sponsored by Essie.  Someone asked me that once since I use them and rave about them so often.  I wish I was (hey Essie, hook a sister up) but I'm just a nail freak who happens to love her Essie's.

Do you have any polishes you'd like to see go head to head?  Let me know in the comments, I'm sure I have them somewhere in this massive heap of heaven that I call my polish stash!

Happy Polishing my loves!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I LOL'd at your "ain't nobody got time for 4 coats" comment!
