Friday, September 14, 2012

30 Day Challenge Day 14-Flowers (The Little Mani That Could)

First let me apologize for being so behind in my post....I know this is coming in really late, I have been fighting with my laptop for 2 days.  I finally realized it wasn't Blogger that was the problem. (Sorry Blogger for all of the cursing and screaming I did at you, you didn't deserve it).  The problem was my stupid, idiotic craptastic computer.  I think I fixed it, and for now we are up and running.  I did have visions of me never being able to get into my blog and I pity anyone who was within 50 feet of me last night.  God bless my poor husband!

Ok I'm done bitching, let's talk nails!  So today's challenge was flowers.  You all know I am all about a good flower.  I wanted to do something a little different but that was an epic, and I'm talking super duper epic fail.  So I did what I know and love, my little dot flowers. *Dot enters the room, waves hi and struts back out, shaking what her mama gave her* 


Not too bad huh?  I just love doing these sweet little flowers and they are so simple to do!  There is a tutorial on one of my early posts.  My untried was Loreal Grecian Goddess.  It's a beautiful creamy gray color.  I love the color and the name, uh hello grecian goddess? Um, have you met me?  If you don't know, my family is 100% old school greek.  Loud, crazy...yeah greek!  Some of my family lives right in Athens and my grandparents don't speak a lick of english.  I digress, so sorry...but yeah, I loved the name of this beauty.  Formula was great, 2 coats had it totally opaque, no dragging, no spottiness, just a lovely saturated color.  The black I used is Sinful Colors Black on Black and the white is my old faithful, Milani High Speed Fast Dry White on the Spot
Hope you guys enjoyed the mani that almost didn't happen.  Thank God for my husband and his computer fixin brain!
Happy Polishing Loves!!
Check out the other hot mamas competing in the  Rock Climbing While Nail Arting , pardon me, 30 Day Challenge....


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Thank you Patricia. I am kind of obsessed w dot flowers right now, they're just so sweet!
