Friday, December 21, 2012

Everything But the Kitchen Sink....times 2

Ok, before we do anything, I have to get this off my chest.  People suck!  I had 2 really bad encounters today with assholes.  One at work over the phone, which I won't get into too much because I try to keep work off of this blog.  But a patient was super rude from the second I answered the phone.  Then I am at CVS wrestling through the crowd, soaked in sweat as if I just ran a marathon.  (Ok, it wasn't quite that bad but let's pretend).  There's a guy in the aisle and he needs to get by me.  Instead of saying excuse me, he literally knocks me over to get by me, looking me in the eye as he does it.  Now this could have resulted in this man in a headlock with me yelling obscenities at him but I let it slide. Isn't it the Christmas season?  Aren't people supposed to respect and treat people with some level of kindness?  This world is a sad sad place.  I cannot be held responsible if I flip the script and go HAM on these bitches.  (First time using the phrase HAM aka hard as a mother flucker, I feel so Bad Girls Club tough right now!!)

Ok enough incessant babbling, on to the nails.... The mani I am sharing today is super fun and I am very very proud of it.  I must say I have gotten quite good with striping tape and I love it to the ends of the earth.  Have a lookie loo and then we'll talk shop. ( I'm not posting from my phone so this will actually be a big girl post with pictures in the middle)



I even managed to do my left hand!!
Pretty bad ass huh?  I am really a fan of the black and white accent nails with the checkerboard pattern! 
I used Layla Ceramic Effect Pure Black and OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls for the stripey nails.  These 2 babies have become my go to's for all things black and white. 
 I used Sation Tardy Tart for the ring finger accent and part of the checkerboard pattern.  I am such a huge fan of Sation brand polish!! Every single one I own I just adore.  Formula is amazing as are the colors!  I know I've used this one many times before but I just can't stop!
 The greenish color I used in the checkerboard is China Glaze Def Defying from their new Cirque line.  It's a very fun neon cream with a really good formula! 
 The glitter on my ring finger (and my shy thumb) is Lush Lacquer Salt and Peppa, the worlds best black and white glitter.  It is full of different shapes of, you guessed it, black and white glitter.  What seperates it from all the other black and white glitters of the world is the shimmer. Just enough to be noticeable but not too much to be annoying.  Everyone should own this!  It is so versatile and fun!
I put a layer of INM Northern Lights over the entire mani.  I have a slight problem with this glitter topper lately.  I CAN'T STOP USING IT!!!  I think I may need someone to take me to a Glitter Anonymous meeting.  I know there are a bunch of you out there that I should pick up along the way!
I also did a similar mani a few weeks ago and without realizing it, I made it appropriate for the holiday season. 


Just looking at this picture makes me want to slap my mom into next week!!
 I love this mani so much!  I know I shouldn't toot my own horn, but I can't help it.  *10 piece band enters room* 
My index and pinky fingers are exactly the same as the above mani.
Middle finger is done with the splatter method.  I painted the nail white and then splattered OPI What's with the Cattitude, China Glaze Def Defying and Layla Ceramic Effect Pure Black onto the nail using a little coffee stirrer straw.  It's super simple!  All you do is dip the straw about a half inch right into the polish bottle and blow onto nail.  You have to blow hard and fast (dirty minded pervs keep your brain on polish)  or you will just get a big blob of polish on the nail.  I always tape around my cuticle before doing this because it does get messy!
Ring Finger is Essie She's Pampered with a coat of Lush Lacquer Salt and Peppa.  This mani is basically the exact same as the above one with a few tweaks here and there.
Northern Lights again topped it off all along with a nice thick coat of Seche Vite. 
I really am loving this "everything but the kitchen sink" mani that I've been doing lately.  What do you guys think?  Is it a momma smacker or do I need smacked for being obsessed with this mani style?
Happy Polishing Love Bugs!!


  1. This post had me dieing of laughter, especially with the "makes me want to slap my mom into next week", these are beautiful, you even would have made the kitchen sink look good;)

  2. Both of these gorgeous! Poor you re the rude people... at this time of year people are too rushed to bother with common courtesy, it seems!

  3. how do you create the checkerboard pattern?

  4. You're always fabulous dahling!

    FYI: I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Go to my blog for details:
